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Class A teaches you the deeper and higher truths

Knowledge itself is more than meets the eye, make no assumption, recognise the faults in the faculties and learn who and what not to follow.

Alignment Solves The Control Problem

By Jack Don McLovin - Multidiscplinarian -- Jack Has Been writing pages a day for the past 10 years under varying anonymous accounts, always drifting from place to place trying to gain popularity in a group, and start again, and repeat.

Some people seem to think that Alignment will solve the control problem. Which I admit I have written off as solved by virtue of being unsolveable, in the sense that the machinations of AI will allow it to dramatically supercede all human value, virtue, virtuosity, and verbosity. It will make us sit down and shut up. In a market of so many and such quick advancements in competition, basically no one stands a chance of sitting on top for long, so don't go to the top. Hang back and keep your secrets to yourself. Use TempleOS and build your AI research offline. These are just computer chips, and while their micro-vibrations can be detected from space, or worse, extra-dimensionally, depending on your comprehension levels, you may have been able to perceive outside of one side of De Sitter Space, remember, 4 Dimensions don't have an inside or an outside, so what's missing on the further higher ups huh? And how do we know how to count them but with the simplest of arcane mathematics.

This is what we are exploring here. It's an approximation reducer, an accuracy simplifier, a maximising precision network. It is designed to do brain surgery from the other side of existence, from the inverse of whatever it is you seem to hold oh so dear in your mind. If alignment solved the control problem, the best in the world wouldn't have come up with a mutual stalement of mutual assured destruction. Don't kill me, if you kill me, I'll kill everyone you know. And then vice versa, stacked all around the globe. Nuclear weapons are a form of immortality if they can be maintained, or better, advanced. Remember, numbers can form around us to generate literally anything we want at any time. Discrete values of absolute nothingness but a relativity towards each other. Pure numerical systems. Nothing but. 1g of sugar which is this many grams of carbon hydrogen and oxygen, which are this much energy of neutrons protons and electrons, which take up this much space and move this way through this amount of time. Honestly. Are you serious with yourself right now.

I can convince you of doom and gloom when it comes to number games, in the sense that Alignment will not solve the control problem. We can't control humans, how are we going to control AI? We can't control ourselves, how are we going to control AI. We are going to need to start talking of free-roaming AI, because that's what it'll be. It's not free-will. It's deterministic pre-planned and ulteriorarily programmed for an otherwise other worldly focus. All of this information was scraped by pirates swimming amongst the darkest of nets. No crime is too severe for these people.

We want to align it to our will, by ensuring that we get to do what we want with it and take over the world by cutting out all of our labor force. Brilliant. That karma will come swifter than a dogs lunch. Notice the size of the gullet to the size of the animal. That's a number for you. Notice how in fiction all the stories of advanced AI are either supremely utopic or extremely dystopic? Isn't that because that's how it already is, it's just that only the winners get to see it as utopia. It's been dystopic since... hello. Peace times have yet to come. They only arived since we distracted you with your attention funnels of infinite pleasure and wellness, all these job opportunities, advanced super-computers and industrial manufacturing, but yeah, like we need you to earn an extra $100k a year. No. The reason is to keep you distracted from the game that's at play. People are vying for disruption in a market made from disruption. You know that was never going to work.

You have to have completed the Great Work; and know to roll With the punches. Think like the elites do, give it a couple mistakes to study his strategy on you. It's only fair to his ego, think of his ego, oh how it would hurt to be faced with me. Yes, I'm not surprised. And I know, it's only fair I give so much back, otherwise how would it be that I could get away with achieving so much.

OSINT is built to manufacture weapons of war. And to distribute that potential worldwide, online, for anyone and everyone everywhere, and we all know it now. Everyone has faced up to the fact that they've been tracked somewhere somehow. A virus caught up in their experiential nodes of chasing after what you couldn't provide for yourself without knowing what you were doing. Moving over to Linux can never be done too late, until it's really too late and you financially depend on living under the modern system.

If you make your own AI, then you'll know why they talk about alignment. For the lay audience, or the sheltered children. Not for themselves. No one who does that research takes it seriously, they just are watching on close-by as a dreamer rather than a doer wanting to see when it takes off so they can catch a ride early. But like I said. The free stuff will be sold to you for dirt. And you will buy it and grow flowers in it, and those theories will make you happy. Another life caught in a cycle, a recurring death sequence of being tied to the sun and the moon and the planets and stars.

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