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Class A teaches you the deeper and higher truths

Knowledge itself is more than meets the eye, make no assumption, recognise the faults in the faculties and learn who and what not to follow.

Truth Is Uncertain

By Jack Don McLovin - Multidiscplinarian -- Jack Has Been writing pages a day for the past 10 years under varying anonymous accounts, always drifting from place to place trying to gain popularity in a group, and start again, and repeat.

A Certain Truth would be dictated by happenstance of knowledge of authoritative discipline.

Some things can be known and you can know this by merely becoming more aware of what it is meant by knowledge and truth. They are part and parcel of the same thing, you either know the truth, or it is true that you do not know the truth, in which case you must know the truth. This is either to you a cycle you cannot escape from, or something which binds you and your knowledge to the truth.

I believe many have a great deal to play in what we all seem to know to be right. And how are we to know it but by putting on a great display like a peakcock in the proud, of knowledge and rightness, and justice and prayer. We seem to have a faith that the energy we put into the universe is coming right back for us in the ways in which we wish. There is no doubt in my mind some of you will unyieldingly believe that because you see it every day, but seeing is believing my friend, only of what you've seen will you believe and only of what you know will you see. Belief once seen becomes knowledge, and knowledge in another once seen becomes belief. This is the interplay of happenstance with truth and knowledge. They are inflected by each other, and so too each can derrange. From what of sight by another is a lack of knowledge, and what of knowledge by another is a lack of sight.

Truth can only be uncertain if you are uncertain of your truth. If you know yourself well enough your truth shall be known from the start, and that provides the certainty required to dictate a certain truth. A certain truth need be known by all those needing to know what truths can be made of certainty from the reading of truth. But this is not true. This truth is a broken truth, as it is made of referring to itself. To refer to yourself is like to define the word "an", one of the only first words that can come after making that word that can be true is "an adverb", because words can only be added together in a sequence of one by one. Nothing represents a half in a repititious truth.

But the colour of the fragrance of the texture of a wordstyle is the key to understanding why it is important not to settle for second best. I will not stop until every word on the page is vibrating with my energy and rearranging itself for my glory, glory unto me and me and me. As is the way of glory. It is either glory unto God, or glory unto another or glory unto me. And the one receiving glory, to them it must be glory unto themselves, or else they see no glory unto which glory is to be declared. To those that see glory in themselves are only of those who can picture what the eye of another can behold.

Truth is the same way, and I only know you can know a certain truth is because I see the certainty of truth in all and so at once see it in you.

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