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Class A teaches you the deeper and higher truths

Knowledge itself is more than meets the eye, make no assumption, recognise the faults in the faculties and learn who and what not to follow.

Life Has No Purpose

By Jack Don McLovin - Multidiscplinarian -- Jack Has Been writing pages a day for the past 10 years under varying anonymous accounts, always drifting from place to place trying to gain popularity in a group, and start again, and repeat.

It is commonly stated that there is no purpose of life. Chemists will say that chemicals do not "want" to react, they simply do. There is no desire involved in the hard and fast static ideas of their discipline. A chemical is what it is and that is pretty much it. And by extension biology should be the same because it is complex chemistry, but the difference is that it is living, and so living beings have desire.

But if life had no purpose, then why are you here? What's the point of continuing to live? If you don't have a purpose then you may as well leave room for the ones that do have a purpose. Stop breathing our air and consuming our energy resources.

Life has no purpose to someone who has no idea as to what to do with their life. Because purpose is about doing. Art is there to be appreciated, as well as to document a style of history. When you go to an art museum they have pieces from hundreds of years ago depicting ways of living that seem so beautific compared to what we have grown used to, that of modernity.

If you don't know what to do with your life, then you probably have no heart. And no appreciation. No gratefulness. Or no good experiences. Obviously to those with a heart one of the many purposes of life is to extend love and care to those without it and to those deserving of it and to those near enough to us that it can benefit our communities. But this is not seen by many academics, philosophers, and armchair theorists. People who like the likes of Dostoevsky or Camus. People who saw the harshness of reality and chose to embody it as if it was an ideal to modelled after. Simply because things exist does not mean we ought to bear to repeat them. When you stub your toe you don't immediately think that you should go and do it again.

If life had no purpose, it wouldn't be here. Trust me. Things without a point don't get to draw lines. And so you have no reason for being, and none of your reasons deserve to come into being, and none of your reasonings deserve to see the light of day. You may have a mental illness and be so abstractly depressed with problems in the world, but if that's the case, you're actually one of the problems. It doesn't help anyone to serve food to the poor with anger on your face and a hammer over fist approach to whether or not they should get any. If the poor and the sick need to be helped, then they need to be helped regardless of the other features of the person. You may have seen pileups of people demanding food and fighting to get into the front of the line and think about how disgusting it is that the lowly amongst us have no ability to care for those around them first.

But that's an issue in our minds. We put others first, but only in multiples. When it's one on one, it is fair to feed yourself first or there would be no one to feed the other. But if you are not capable of producing food then you are a drain on the system and are taking upkeep from the ones that may be able to provide value.

Don't ever think that life has no purpose simply because you have to die at the end of it. Death is a grace of giving another a turn at life. Once you've used up your body's strength and virtuosity you start requiring things to survive like glasses and walking frames, carers and a place of warmth. Soon the demands and needs of you outgrow your ability to help out. And it is once you can no longer draw in a breath, it becomes clear that perhaps it should be fair to not give you another chance at one.

Life has no purpose to those we have no purpose for. Except for the art appreciators amongst us who like to look at pretty black and white pictures of people chain smoking themselves to an early grave. Yes, even that which is overdue for lack has the purpose of imagining what it would be like to experience.

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