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Class A teaches you the deeper and higher truths

Knowledge itself is more than meets the eye, make no assumption, recognise the faults in the faculties and learn who and what not to follow.

There'll Be Hell To Pay In Heaven

By Jack Don McLovin - Multidiscplinarian -- Jack Has Been writing pages a day for the past 10 years under varying anonymous accounts, always drifting from place to place trying to gain popularity in a group, and start again, and repeat.

Heaven is the perfect dictatorship. As good as it gets with no argumentation.

No disagreements, no squabbles, no differences, perfect unity.

Where we are all on the same side, and all your differences fall by the wayside.

Your differences still have the chance to breed from generation to generation.

Abundance however is about that which we have too much of it is okay to do without.

However, there'll be hell to pay for them, because your differences will always have to change.

It's like teenage angst but eternal, on repeat generation after generation.

You can see it in everyday life, and so it is, for the eternal future.

As with many things, your differences can be forgone in the sake of unity.

Go together with one another, and spread freedom for it is love and spread love for it is free to do so.

News from Class A.

What's wrong with Education.

Blog 1
We launch new website optimised to any device

January 27, 2023

We start off strong, challenging hot-topics such as "logic", "mathematics", "circular definitions", "fossil fuels". Learn more

Blog 2
New Roadmap Available for Viewing

January 12, 2023

This is our plan for the future of Class A, what kinds of articles we have prepared based on prior research and acquired knowledge. Learn more

Blog 3
The story of achievement in compliance with education

December 28, 2022

I know how to obey the rules, and I am better than anyone at it. So it's time to hold the Education System to the rules they are supposed to follow. Learn more