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Class A teaches you the deeper and higher truths

Knowledge itself is more than meets the eye, make no assumption, recognise the faults in the faculties and learn who and what not to follow.

If I Die Are They Still There

By Jack Don McLovin - Multidiscplinarian -- Jack Has Been writing pages a day for the past 10 years under varying anonymous accounts, always drifting from place to place trying to gain popularity in a group, and start again, and repeat.

With Two of us to ask the question between us, "If I die are they still here/there", the question becomes obvious, that neither of us can ever answer and prove it on our own. It's a default assumed limitation of assumption itself. We can only ever half massed it to say, "in my experience: _____ ______." So it doesn't take us anywhere, and nowhere special. Back to a default reality, with default labels, default language, and default experience. But if we can breathe it, we can breathe it out, and then it becomes vibratory in nature as we learn to cohabitate an experience where the they is being constructed by the both of us here in this discussion, or the potential question itself.

The they are fully conscious changes that are self perceiving and self narrating, in a visuo-active experience, and even the language itself can speak.

But the question is asked in the sense of "Are Those Entities Still There If I am not."

Well then we'd have to look at the evidence if we are to convince a straight edge person of them and who and what they are.

Firstly, by nature of transformations and models such as Quantum Mechanics, Frequency Vibration, Sound and Light, entities and language itself exists in all possibility at all times.

Defining possibility is another rabbit hole to go down, because whatever model we use outside of Sound and Light, generally isn't thought to be explored by mainlander consciousness explorers, there's also pieces of dirt and dust and the written word that will jump around in place and time, and their morphology will speak in it's own coherency.

And then energy rays coming from our eyes will refocus to allow for dustmites, and ticks and most commonly seeds, ants, and aphids. So you have to be in the appropriate congruency to witness it. In wide areas filled with people, sounds drone on by and what is trully shared is of things I can't share with you, but entities and archetypes that remain. For me it's always clear and I get a picture of reality in higher connection, but I can also at sleeping periods drift off into some pretty vivid white noise television. The difference between mental vision and television is creativity.

So we can only show and describe what is there if we are to explore what could also be witnessed. And then consensus will rise up of the those who have witnessed these entities.

The things we once thought to be impossible, this we will soon also think impossible.

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