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Class A teaches you the deeper and higher truths

Knowledge itself is more than meets the eye, make no assumption, recognise the faults in the faculties and learn who and what not to follow.

Time Isn't Both Collective and Congruous

By Jack Don McLovin - Multidiscplinarian -- Jack Has Been writing pages a day for the past 10 years under varying anonymous accounts, always drifting from place to place trying to gain popularity in a group, and start again, and repeat.

Time isn't both collective and congruous.

We can experience time's relativity by adrenaline functions. But we can also do it at speed. These are measureable variances. But also we can measure time with attention. The narrative arc of time often confers to a collective external group of other humans, extensive to beings in general.

But this collective external group of other humans isn't coherent. Because it isn't congruous.

Time isn't congruous between any two individuals if relativity makes sense across small increments of spacetime. Essentially it would refer to how two differing individuals also have differing views on history. Lies and fiction are mixed with confusion and lack of full knowledge. We can't sit and be err-correcters of every tidbit of our continuous historical narrative, judging by numbers and dates. So long as we confer it to the collective external we separate ourselves from what we know.

Little comes extra when we roll about in bed for nights on end as the days turn to 10's of years of rushing to keep up with the news... and the market of whether or not you have a job or a life.

You could sit on your arse all day and people would think that your wasting it. Or you could be punching energy drinks and typing as fast as you can. But now it's all computer generated so no one get's out but the author that they copy and try to steal, or the one who creates a database for all of it to sit on and to be learned from. Yes but what for? What is your purpose you ask yourself as the markets crash and spiral out, and everyone is left on the floor of authority's jobs. Maintaining the system. A collective dream would end in "maintenance men", with "storage wars" as a thundering arm of storage within storage within storage. But at the end of the day, the collective runs along a trigger. How much the self knows about the self.

This is why whether you hear it from outside or not, you never stop working and you never stop trying, that's what one of my favourite old mates Dylan Pace would say, beer in hand, shoes on, ball in the air. Society is a spectacle as an observer sport.

There at least is colinearity or it's likeness with us. While time comes in series of deja vu's there is one historical narrative that builds at the end of it, and we are all here on our owns watching it.

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