Knowledge itself is more than meets the eye, make no assumption, recognise the faults in the faculties and learn who and what not to follow.
By Jack Don McLovin - Multidiscplinarian -- Jack Has Been writing pages a day for the past 10 years under varying anonymous accounts, always drifting from place to place trying to gain popularity in a group, and start again, and repeat.
Having an issue with fundamentalism really discourages the discussion surrounding where it is used in culture and what it's purpose is. Fundamentalism is taken as extremist christianity, whereby you take the answer to a given question and it always has that same answer. Now for 1+1=2 it's virtually a guaranteed sign that you are doing mathematics. However, as I have also challenged the 1+1=2 notion, with just enough truth that you can get adequately past it, the places in which it is used will soon be up-dated if they are up-dated according to what I have proscribed here in as.
Now it can be quite hard to do multi-disciplinary science, because what you can do in one field can also teach you about how to properly work in another field. This is why at some point in the near future, they will need to combine all the degrees and call it a polymath degree, because any of the research we do in a given field needs an adequate understanding of statistics to draw conlcusions about the field itself. So the better you are at math the better you are at any and all sciences, as these are the various applications of mathematics.
Now, the removal of fundamentalism as a buzzword, or in fact making it the most despised of all the words means it's import to properly talk about. Fundamentalism is used in law by having a dictionary where all the words have meanings relative to all the other words, which by nature means that we give a word a particular meaning made up of other words. The only issue here is that a fundamentalist word can be created and yet no one has encountered the object of the word, because just by defining a word does not mean to say the thing exists for real. However non-existent objects can be used and there can be a benefit in using them, which I go into in another article, but of course you would need to be careful that the object of your habitual attachemtns isn't just making up a lie for you to believe in order to convey a particular message. This is commonly attested to by meditators and psychedelics users are to the words that they don't think really exists, but we go on to using them in a way that gets the most use out of them.
When you have conversations between one or two people, it can become a common occurrence to learn a new idea or phrase that you don't believe exists. Much of the world that I choose to interact with doesn't necessarily exist to me outside of it being a short-hand approximation, for a world that philosophically is so much bigger and more expert. It takes a lot of effort to position yourself in a way that would grant you the time and interest into having the desired impact. Building this out is essentially a summary of my time here, in a forever mysterious. But we cannot know the old system is failing us until all the pieces of it end up broken by the culture and attitude at hand. And once it has past that test, it must tackle by the most expert of all experts, and must be systematically destroyed piece by piece, by aligning up that "what was once considered true" with the "hard-to-find reasoning for what breaks it when newly considered." Novelty is the way science grows, and it's not because I am able to challenge the truth after having performed with it to heights of excelling, but because it is being called for en masse, and we are at a stage where our complexity can only grow, and is destined for for those who truth-fully can do well on what will once be considered Ancient History.
The world of fear born in COVID-19, and the abrupt denoting of malinformation, malinformant, and misinformation, and disinformation. This is target liars on a more complex stage. When someone is branded as a pre-bunked malinformant, it means they not to be trusted until the world trusts them, and not to be listened to in danger of them accelerating the picture of fear and danger in the outside world. However, anyone discrussing war-crimes, or local crimes that can't be solved. Now it's just a matter of the individuals are separated out into being just that, individuals, so they are left tossing up between being good or bad, and are left in chaos of the streets.
This is why the only way, I've come up with so far, to safely pre-judge someone for using a given phrase is to take the term within a given context of being used with a given definition under it's categorical dictionary, and then to pre-translate it before page load. If our language was far more complicated.
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