Knowledge itself is more than meets the eye, make no assumption, recognise the faults in the faculties and learn who and what not to follow.
By Jack Don McLovin - Multidiscplinarian -- Jack Has Been writing pages a day for the past 10 years under varying anonymous accounts, always drifting from place to place trying to gain popularity in a group, and start again, and repeat.
They say you're stupid if you don't keep it simple, but the actual fact is a comfortability in the security of doing things easy. A lot of things ought to be more complicated than they are, it's just that making things complicated often sounds bad. But, in reality, complexifying things becomes an essential procedure necessary to every part of your endeavour.
First you start with 1+1=2, then you realise they have units and no units are linearly additive. So that confuses you for a little while until you see that there's an equation for every way we can represent the same data points. You also start with Ockham's Razor of only having the least number of assumptions as possible, but then you end up with always inferring straight lines in between any two curves rather than making them up of curved lines, causing much of the error variance in AI. So you start to complexify.
If you keep things simple, chances are, you've only just begun your journey. As we move into an accelerated future with nuclear power, and cold fusion, and room temperature super conductors, just by saying these things it becomes obvious that we are complexifying beyond just the simple equation of wood plus fire equals heat. We move on from the starting stones, and we step through logical consequence to get there. And yet even when I say this I'm saying it tongue in cheek because even logic is wrought with it's own problems.
The greater a mind can comprehend, the greater a mind can achieve. If you want to keep things simple, that's fine, I won't call you out as being a stupid person. But remember that you are only just beginning your story when you start with the simple solutions. Simple is never perfect, and with a God that aims to become increasingly more like a perfectionist with the humans we produce in the future, it is only natural for us to want to strive for greater heights of perfection.
We can't get the signal from the noise with a quantum computer at this stage to properly make use of the effects. Similarly with Super Colliders. So we need to advance our calculations another step. Only keep things as simple as you can handle, or as simple as things need to be to be made sense of. If you can't explain it to a 2 year old, you're not smart enough to simplify it for them. If you can't complexify From a 2 year old, you're not smart. And in human evolutionary criteria, we are all that 2 year old that we are trying to complexify away from.
You might go crazy looking for more complicated solutions, and that's not the goal in and of itself, it's how can we do better if we throw out the need to keep things simple when it is not serving us. They say to keep it simple stupid, because you think things need to be harder than they actually are, for the most of say building a house with concrete, steel, wood, and plaster. But really it's a simple process you can write down in a notebook. The thing is, as we move on to better materials and more advanced production facilities, we can do away with the risks that come with having a house that can be burnt to smithereens, or a home that can flood and rot away with the roaches. If we are to ascend out of our dimensional contrapments we will have to find more complex ways of doing things so that we can achieve our measily simple ends of "does not deteriorate as much" or "outperforms other products," stuff like that is the stuff of gemstones. Keep certain things simple, and complexify as far as you can afford and still grow your business.
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