Knowledge itself is more than meets the eye, make no assumption, recognise the faults in the faculties and learn who and what not to follow.
By Jack Don McLovin - Multidiscplinarian -- Jack Has Been writing pages a day for the past 10 years under varying anonymous accounts, always drifting from place to place trying to gain popularity in a group, and start again, and repeat.
"Evidence is required for truth."
This one is a funny one, because if you knew it to be true you would need evidence of evidence. But if you knew truth is a property of things that can describe themselves, rather than requiring evidence... Evidence need be only required for proof, not truth. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, but truth, that's entirely different. I fight against the side of evidence being required for truth, because some things are beyond provable. The limit to which something can be proven and something being true must always extend beyond what can be proven, rather than extending through truth. Truth is absolute, even if terms are relative, knowing that they come down from on high an authority to dictate what we know about what we know; all points are equidistant to it. Truth is the centre of a bullseye, and the game always goes on. Playing with truth is like wrestling with your german uncles amidst paths of no knowledge. In games of zero knowledge, anyone can come out on top from their angle.
Evidence is a property of reality, not truth. The reality suggests what is truthfully applicable, but it is not truth. Truth is the knowledge we have of components when before us there was no knowledge. Descriptions of events and adverse consequences reach from the inane to the sane to the genius to the inane again. Every description has it's reason and rhyme to being true in the right circumstances of mental stipulation. Hypothetical question don't start and end with a cat in a box. It's more like a seed and a flower. And the seed is itself a seed of itself. And there ends a rhyme for another day.
Reason can take us from anywhere to anywhere, and that holds more truth than I can give you credit for. Reasoning that something must be needed as evidence for the truth to be known at all is to fall short of the glory that God has made for you in being human and having the capacity for faith.
To know you have the capacity for faith, is an evidence one does not need to know that there is a truth to how much capacity there is. Take being blindfolded. That is a faith in humanity one is bridging the gap with, that nothing will go askew while you are shielded from viewing.
Requiring evidence to know the truth is only permissable in a court of law, outside of that, you have your faculties to rely on.
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